Tuesday, January 1, 2008


I have to admit, I’m not one to stick with my New Year’s resolutions. There have been oh-so-many of them in my 27 ½ years that I can’t even begin to count. Some years I’d make one resolution, others too many to even remember. But no matter how many I make, they never stick. So what’s the point in even making them?
This year I decided to change. Rather than focusing on my resolutions, I will focus on my New Year’s REVOLUTIONS.
As obtained from Wikipedia.org, a revolution is, “(from the Latin revolutio, "a turnaround") a significant change that usually occurs in a short period of time. “ So I believe, one can view the year as a revolution, the calendar as an endless loop. And instead of stressing about what you will and won’t do this coming year, the focus can be, “How much have I grown and changed in the LAST year?” A reflection, of sort.
I started off January 2007 (well, on the 19th at 2:35 p.m. to be exact) as a proud new mother to my son, Aidan Michael. Who knew how much my life was going to change? Well, those of you who are parents (and are laughing to yourselves right now) knew, but truthfully, no one can truly prepare you for that. In the revolution of one year my husband and I have observed our son go from being a helpless infant, to a very independent, sometimes ornery almost-toddler. (Just give him a week or so and he’ll be worthy of the new title!) He’s mastered sitting up, crawling, climbing, cruising and eating only “big people” food all in a year’s time.
Not only has our son had his own revolution, but as parents, I feel we have as well. How else can one adjust to 6:30 a.m. wake-up calls on the weekends and the ever present “Mickey Mouse Clubhouse” theme song that constantly runs through your head and still function as a mostly-productive member of society? The truth is we change. And change IS good.
Our lives have experienced a “significant change” in the last year. We went from a free-wheeling couple to “mom-mom” and “dada”. We now postpone trips to the store because it’s naptime, pack two extra outfits “just in case” and actually cook dinner, with vegetables, instead of eating out. It’s been a year of learning, a year of change and a year of love. Life is different, but it’s good. I would say overall, 2007 has been a successful revolution.
But with all the hustle of the past year, I didn’t truly have the time, nor the energy, to reflect on it until now. But maybe that’s what revolutions should be about. With resolutions we spend too much time deciding what to focus on, and the next 11 months are spent trying to rationalize why we broke them. Maybe we should take the time to focus on how we changed in 2007. What was successful? What wasn’t? How can we make 2008 better?
So I’m not spending the month of January stressing about my resolutions…or how I can get back to them. But rather I’ll spend it focusing on the revolution of the past year, a very special year indeed, and maybe contemplate what I can do to so that a year from now I view the year 2008 as much as a success as 2007.
I’m hoping that my 2008 revolution may include the Disneyland Half Marathon, a relaxing vacation and another wonderful year watching my son grow, but I’ll just have to wait until a year from now to see. I’m not going to stress.


Sara McGinness said...

Great post!!! I love that you started a blog, I can't wait to see more posts.

Three Yellow Starfish said...

Hey there!! Thanks so much for your comment on the giveaway! I was wondering which bloomers were featured on the front page? I wasnt notified :(

Thanks SOO much! Good luck on the giveaway!